I can’t help myself but to feel like that doomsday is coming. The way I feel is largely due to the recent economic downturn that no news media is really covering in depth. I feel that we are being blinded by our media; our media really don’t report the actual number of unemployment while I can feel how bad things really are surrounding us. I can definitely see that everywhere I go: people frown, what happened to people smiling at a service desks? I am now sitting at Panera bread and traffic definitely dropped by over 50% during lunch, in the past it was always packed with business people and soccer moms. So I have decided to follow my instinct, and this is to start getting ready for the worse by making survival kits. I’ve started a list of survival supplies for days to come. You need to build your own survival kits if you plan to make it through this. My list is as follows:
1) water- plenty of it (it will depend on how many you have in your household, I would say average household with 3 should keep at least 60 gallons of water)
2) non-perishable food items (dried food, canned food, rice, beans, salt, pepper)
note: I personally like to enjoy icy treats so I am going to include mong beans as part of my doomsday supplies …you can make great ice cream bars with this.
3) survival gun- 1 handgun and 1 rifle with plenty of ammunition/ammos to protect your family and your resources. Having a survival pistol is also a good idea.
4) silver bars and silver coins/rounds: You will need to buy silver since when economic collapse your dollar is not going to worth anything and you can trade silver with just about anything.
5) vehicle that can carry most of your important items and that is fuel efficient.
Hope this posting sparks some ideas of your own.
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